Ok, wow I have been missing in cation ohhhhhh probably about 3 years I think. I just LOST interest in being creative. Many factors involved in this. One, my kids got older, I found myself scrapping the same pictures over and over again. Two, I had moved and just didn't have the space that I was use to having to be able to spread out and feel organized and this drove me nuts. Three, I guess you could say that I was just unhappy in my life in general.
Well, some things have changed. I now have a really nice big organized space to spread out and create. I am also very very happy, found my soul mate and married him in July 2015.
So with that being said, I have dove back into being creative, and have started making cards. I had a friend that I had lost touch with help me get back into being creative so thanks to her, I now sit around when I get bored and get creative again.
I am now thinking, HMMMMM is there still on online community out here that chats and posts on line and talks etc? I don't know, but Im going to be checking web sites out, see whats out there but thought I would start with updating my blog.
So here are a couple of recent cards that I have made.

Hi Carla! Great to hear from you! Your last post is kinda where I'm at this year. Time off from DTs, taking a year-long on-line mixed media art class, and organizing years of photos--scrapping just a few. On-line has changed a bit. So many now are on FB. Easier to "like" something than to leave blog comments????? Even with a break from crafting, you haven't lost your creativity--great cards! And congrats on the recent nuptials!!!