Monday, February 13, 2012

HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We have been very busy over at the Hens' Den and have a whole new website! Please take a minute to go and check it out! We are very excited about the new look!

To celebrate all of the new CHA products arriving we are having a sale!! Click {HERE} to see it all.

Speaking of NEW CHA PRODUCT we have the following new items in the store now with new arrivals coming daily!

Here is a link to our FIRST Newsletter, the girls did some amazing projects and the tutorials are just wonderful! 

In addition to all of that, if you check out the NEW GALLERY on the website you can upload a project and be entered into the monthly contest and a chance to win a $10.00 gift certificate.

We hope you enjoy the new look, the new products, and all of the fun new things happening over at
The Hens' Den!

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